The decision in Bostock v. Clayton County Georgia, 590 U.S. 644 (2020) was rendered in 2020. In that decision, the U.S. Supreme Court resolved a long-standing issue: does Title VII apply to homosexual based claims? Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on sex. Does “sex” include same sex?

The Texas Attorney General’s flubbed a prosecution against six sex traffickers, because they lost contact with the victim. The high profile prosecutions was known as “Operation Fallen Angle.” In the small town of Gatesville, Texas, in central Texas, this prosecution was a big deal. Six persons accused of trading crystal methamphetamine for sex are now

When I was called to active duty in 2003, we had exactly 5 days notice. But, our leadership had dropped heavy hints two months prior. And, that activation was classified. It was “super secret.” Still, we had those precious two months to change our lives.

Many soldiers in Operation Lone Star just had two

So, now, the fox will guard the henhouse. Gov. Abbott appointed Julian Alvarez to the Labor position on the Texas Workforce Commission board. The three person board is supposed to include one member representing employers, one member representing labor, and one chairman. Gov. Abbott replaced the long-time labor board member, Ronald Congleton, with Mr. Alvarez,

I have written about Greg Abbott’s many frivolous lawsuits and frivolous defenses to meritorious lawsuits. One such lawsuit was filed by Wendy David and other civil rights organizations regarding re-districting in 2011. Wendy Davis and the other minority groups won their lawsuit. They were awarded a million dollars in legal fees. I wrote about that

Gov. Abbott has asked the Texas State Guard to “monitor” the training known as Jade Helm 15. I previously wrote about that silly request here. I was wrong in describing the entity as the Texas National Guard. The Governor actually asked the “Texas State Guard” to watch the Special Forces soldiers traipse around conducting

The request is a little silly. Gov. Abbott has asked the Texas National Guard to “monitor” the U.S. Army Special Forces as it performs some training at Camp Swift, near Bastrop. The Camp Swift exercise is part of a seven state training exercise for the SF guys. Some folks in Bastrop were concerned. They seem

So, Greg Abbott files another frivolous lawsuit. He has filed suit against the federal government over Pres. Obama’s immigration measures. See San Antonio Express News report (account required). And, as before, the lawsuit is described as frivolous by lawyers familiar with immigration law. One immigration lawyer describes the lawsuit as "political theater."  I have written

In 2012, the EEOC issued guidance to employers regarding criminal background checks. Criminal background checks can have a disproportionate impact on minorities. The EEOC’s goal was to help employers avoid a blanket rule prohibiting hiring folks with criminal records. In 2013, the state of Texas, filed suit against the EEOC to enjoin the implementation of