The Office of Special Counsel has not done much for me or my clients in the past. But, it is always there as a backstop. The OSC receives and investigates whistleblower claims submitted by Federal workers. They are typically overwhelmed with too many complaints and not enough investigators. Which is probably why they were not helpful to my clients in the past.
But, most Federal workers are aware of the office. The office has done much to prevent fraud, waste and abuse in Federal government. But, because the office protects whistleblowers, Pres. Trump wants to protect himself from the OSC. So, he fired the person who headed the office, Hampton Dillinger. Mr. Dillinger was still in his first year of a five year term.
Merit Systems Protection Board
Like many of co-Pres. Trump’s other firings, the head of the OSC may only be fired for cause. Mr. Dillinger has solid grounds for appeal. But, Dillinger has not bothered with an appeal to the MSPB. He filed suit seeking a temporary restraining order on this unlawful termination. Good for him. But, unfortunately, this probably means a super busy office will lack direction for a good many months. Lawsuits typically last months, if not years.
When even the OSC becomes a political football, all Federal workers are in peril. See The Hill news report here for more information.
Note: late on Feb. 10, 2025, Judge Amy Herman Jackson issued a stay allowing Mr. Dellinger to remain in his position until a permanent hearing can be held.