Texas Workforce Commission appears almost designed to undermine legitiimate employee claims for unemployment benefits.  I receive one or two calls every year from recipients of unemployment benefits who were overpaid unemployment benefits through TWC errors and now, TWC wants their money back.  TWC essentially tells them to pay it back or else.  

One young

The new head of Texas Workforce Commission Civil Rights Division is Jonathan Babiak.  Some readers may remember him as the former head of the appeals division at TWC.  He advised employers last Spring on how to game the system regarding unemployment claims.  See Houston Chronicle report.  Mr. Babiak told employers at a TWC hosted conference in

A frequent issue arises concerning the right of an employer to deduct debts from an employee’s paycheck.  Texas Workforce Commission recognizes three occasions when an employer may make such deductions: 1) in response to an order from a competent court, such as for child support; 2) state or federally mandated withholdings; and 3) when authorized