I believe you can often discern the better places to work just by walking in the front door. If employees are willing to chat with a visitor or assist with questions beyond their normal area of expertise, that is probably a positive working environment. Such a workplace has high morale. But, if the workers are
Bexar Metropolitan Water District
Bexar Met Offers Whistleblower His Old Job Back
In a clever move, Bexar Metropolitan Water District has offered Gilbert Herrera, a whistleblower, his old job back. See San Antonio Express News report. Bexar Met has also deposited the amount of Mr. Herrera’s lost pay into the registry of the court. Yet, the lawsuit will proceed.
See my prior post about Mr. Herrera…
Bexar Met CEO Fired
We all have a boss. Even CEO’s are overseen by a board. Victor Mercado has learned that the hard way. He was CEO of the Bexar Metropolitan Water District until last night. He was hired in November, 2009. His troubles started in May. that month, he hired a lawyer to address the board and…
Bexar Met Fires Business Analyst
Why would an employer provide grounds for a lawsuit to an employee? It is hard to fathom, but Bexar Metropolitan Water District has fired a business analyst whose warnings about improper accounting practices were supported by a a consultant. See San Antonio Express News report. Gilbert Herrera’s warnings were well-reported prior to his termination.