I believe you can often discern the better places to work just by walking in the front door. If employees are willing to chat with a visitor or assist with questions beyond their normal area of expertise, that is probably a positive working environment. Such a workplace has high morale. But, if the workers are resistant or guarded in their responses, then that work place probably has low morale. What happens when some 23 employees take a test and 18 of those 23 cheat on the test? What does that say about that particular working environment?
23 Bexar Metropolitan Water District took a required test for a Class C water distribution system operator license. The test is administered by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. It is a standard test for for large municipal water systems. Achieving the Class C certification means the employee understands how to work on water lines without contaminating the water system. See San Antonio Express News report. TCEQ investigated possible cheating and found some test-takers had the answers to a recent test.
TCEQ decided to void all the tests. Everyone must re-take that test. Bexar Met fired 18 employees for involvement in this cheating scandal.
Bexar Met continues to have many problems.