Well, the state Senate passed a measure that would restrict Hazlewood recipients to veterans who served six years or longer. That means the average veteran who does his or her 3 years and leaves would not qualify. And, the benefits must be used within 15 years of service, according to the Senate version. That means many, perhaps most children of veterans will be too young to use the college benefits. The Hazlewood Act allows veterans to attend a state college free of tuition and some fees. The current act allows veterans to pass the benefit to his/her children if the veteran cannot use it. I previously wrote about this attack on the Hazlewood Act benefits here.
And, at about the same time as the Senate version, the state House passed a measure that would limit the credit hours to 60 hours, a big reduction from 150 hours. Both measures apply immediately, with no “grandfather clause” for veterans who have already left the service. So, either way, Texas veterans are kicked to the curb, because the state could not get its financial estimates straight. All this despite the fact that the state has a large surplus and will cut taxes substantially, this year. See Texas Tribune report.