Just a few years ago, most Texans were anxious to help veterans. The Texas legislature passed an amendment to the Hazelwood Act which would allow free tuition at state schools for veterans. The veteran could pass that benefit to his/her children. The Texas act did not require service after the amendment was passed. While, the federal version did require service after the act went into effect. That difference harmed veterans like myself who deployed but retired or who left military service afterward. Under the federal GI Bill, I cannot pass my unused benefits to my children. But, under the state version, I could pass those benefits to my children.
But, now, the Texas legislature is considering rescinding that benefit. A state Senate committee approved a measure which would require six years of service after the act was passed. It would also reduce the number of credit hours from 150 to 60. See Texas Tribune report. Sen. Brian Birdwell said the measure would be too costly otherwise. When I and my fellow veterans deployed, we did not stop and say, “wait, its too costly to go to war.” We just went.