So, Greg Abbott files another frivolous lawsuit. He has filed suit against the federal government over Pres. Obama’s immigration measures. See San Antonio Express News report (account required). And, as before, the lawsuit is described as frivolous by lawyers familiar with immigration law. One immigration lawyer describes the lawsuit as "political theater."  I have written

An acquaintance passed away recently. His passing brought to mind the high school I graduated from in 1975. Mike Gallagher graduated from John Marshal High School a couple of years before I did. He was a football player, and an officer in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. In other words, he was at the top

Sebastien De La Cruz sang at the NBA Finals in San Antonio, just as he did a year ago. The little boy who wears a charro outfit while singing. Charros are Mexican cowboys. Sebastien is a Mexican-American. He is as American as you and I. Yet, when he sings the national anthem at the NBA

Every lawyer has a fiduciary duty to maintain a client’s property safely and appropriately. A fiduciary duty is the highest duty imposed by our legal system. A fiduciary must exercise a high degree of good faith in protecting a client’s property. So, when the "DWI Dude" is charged with not returning $50,000 he maintained on

The party hardy guys from France are going home.  The two French brothers were arrested because they broke into the Bexar County Courthouse after a night partying on the Riverwalk and elsewhere.  The initial concern was that they were terrorists – apparently because they were of Moroccan descent and their motive for breaking in was

Your average county courthouse sees more genuine drama and pathos than any television show can ever capture.  So, perhaps it is not surprising when one courthouse becomes the scene of partying French Moroccans.  Five French citizens of Moroccan background were traveling across country in a rented RV.  After a night of drinking at Coyote Ugly

 San Antonio lawyer Ted Roberts has been granted "shock probation."  That means Ted Roberts will be let out of state prison early and he will seve 10 years probation.  See report.  Ted Roberts is the lawyer who was found guilty of forcing various persons to keep him quiet about these men having sexual relations