My colleague, Chris McKinney has penned an excellent post on the costs of defending against an employment lawsuit. See his post here. As Chris says, far too much money is spent defending against lawsuits that could be settled for $40,000 or less.
Abbott Files Another Frivolous Lawsuit
So, Greg Abbott files another frivolous lawsuit. He has filed suit against the federal government over Pres. Obama’s immigration measures. See San Antonio Express News report (account required). And, as before, the lawsuit is described as frivolous by lawyers familiar with immigration law. One immigration lawyer describes the lawsuit as "political theater." I have written…
Schlumberger is Sanctioned for Lawsuit Against Former Employee
We are seeing more and more lawsuits against an employee after s/he leaves an employer. Some of these suits have basis, some do not. In Schlumberger v. Rutherford, we see a lawsuit that lacked basis. Charlotte Rutherford was employed by Schlumberger as an in-house lawyer. She was privy to confidential, proprietary…
The Ugly Side of Practicing Law
There is a seamy side to lawsuits. I am sure this seamy side has been around ever since the Medieval days when representatives were hired because they were better criers. In the San Antonio Express News is a report about immigration lawyers who hire case runners, folks who go out and find clients. They lurk…
Federal Employees Are Protected if They “Blow the Whistle”
Federal employees enjoy substantial protections other employees do not. One such protection is the whislteblower statute, also known as reporting fraud, waste or abuse. See Workplace Fairness summary. This statute protects a federal employee who reports fraud, waste or abuse or a simple violation of a statute or regulation. There are a number of…
Testy Responses Harm One’s Case
It is never good to annoy a judge during a trial. Yet, that is what John V. Garza, former Republican state representative from San Antonio, did in federal court earlier this week. In the lawsuit concerning alleged racial gerrymandering by the Republican party, Mr. Garza testified about a conversation with other state representatives in 2011.
Happy Workers are Better Workers
Dwight Lieb, the owner of the well-known La Fogata restaurant, makes the point I was addressing in my post about CPS. Happy workers make better workers. He asks what are "happy" workers? Happy workers are those employees who derive some satisfaction from their job and feel empowered to realize professional goals at their jobs. See San…