Donald Trump, who apparently has a reputation for saying strange things, has said Sen. McCain was not a war hero because he was captured. Later, he qualified his comments, saying the senator was a hero but suggesting that being captured diminished his service. His comments are beyond silly. Donald Trump never served. He is far from an expert on military service. According to one report, Donald Trump received five deferments during the Viet Nam War. See ABC news report regarding some of his deferments.
And, I have to say, anyone who did time in a Vietnamese POW camp or in a Japanese POW camp served far above the normal requirements of military service. See CBS news report. And, as most folks probably know, John McCain performed better than most in those camps. He could have left the camp much sooner than he did. He chose to remain imprisoned because he refused preferential treatment based on his father being an Admiral at the time.
To use Sen. McCain’s words regarding Ted Cruz a couple of years ago, Donald Trump is a wacko bird.