The EEOC released statistics showing the states with the most EEOC complaints on file. Texas was number 1. This is probably because we have a large population and in other states, such as California, employees may prefer to file their complaints with the state version of the EEOC. But, here in Texas, we have a state version of the EEOC, the Civil Rights Division of the Texas Workforce Commission. The CRD only has one location, in Austin. So, sure, most Texas workers file their complaints with the closest office of the EEOC. See Workplace Prof blog.
The better question is who has the most EEOC complaints per capita. David Wiley at LaborRelated has answered that query. States from the Deep South lead that list: Alabama, Mississippi, and Arkansas are the top three states with EEOC filings. Texas is a distant sixteenth. States with the least filings include Montana, Vermont and Maine.