Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on sex, color, religion, race, and national (ethnic) origin. Other statutes prohibit discrimination based on age and disability. But, the statute does not apply to all businesses. An employer must have 15 or more employees for Title VII to apply. For the Age

I love the free enterprise system. But, it only works well if we are smart consumers. There are many sellers out there who will try to sell us things we do not need. My girlfriend was looking at a new car, recently. She asked for a breakdown of the total cost. She was quite surprised

The health of workers will affect the amount an employer must pay for health insurance. The more ill a workforce is, the more the employer (and the employees) must pay for insurance premiums. That cost saving could lead to employers hiring only healthy workers. Or, it could cause employers to ask employees to take routine

Courtesy of creationc

Employment cases are exceedingly difficult, with numerous deadlines and traps for the unwary. We see some of these traps in the case of Prewitt v. Continental Automotive, No. 12-CV-582 (W.D. Tex. 8/28/2014). In this case, Larry Prewitt alleged that he had been terminated due to several reasons: race discrimination

The EEOC received some 93,727 charges of discrimination last year. Locally, each EEOC investigator carries a case load of 75-95 cases per year. Those numbers indicate very little time is devoted to actual investigation. The open secret is that the EEOC conducts very few true investigations. Yet, many folks still think that when the EEOC

courtesy of creation c

Yes, a plaintiff in an employment lawsuit can be hit with an award of attorney’s fees. In federal court, the losing party is almost always ordered to pay the other side’s court costs.  And, yes, if the plaintiff is found to have filed a "frivolous" lawsuit, then