Judges are usually very polite in the courtroom.  A few are cantakerous and pushy.  A very small percentage are outright abusive and tyrannical.  US District Judge McBryde in Ft. Worth is notorious for issues.  He was suspended from "judging" in 1996 for a year by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.  An unheard of sanction from other judges.

Now, Judge McBryde has sanctioned three lawyers and recommended criminal prosecution regarding two lawyers who questioned his impartiality.  See ABA Bar Journal report.  The judge reportedly asked the plaintiff lawyer if he was being paid contingency and if so, he would not get a "house" out of the litigation.  Judge McBryde says he meant the comments as a joke.  

I have heard the stories about Judge McBryde.  A lawyer once needed to postpone a hearing because his wife would be in surgery.  The judge simply said no.  He is the judge lawyers from all corners wish to avoid.