So, you get angry with your employer. They fire you. You want to get back at them for what "they" did to you. Most people start thinking lawsuit. Not Edward Harrington. He decided to start a blog complaining about his former employer, Levinson Axelrod, a prominent New Jersey law firm. He started a blog called "Levinson Axelrod Really Sucks." He celebrated their losses. He pointed barbed comments at the mustache of a partner. He encouraged others to file ethical complaints against the firm.
The firm eventually sued the errant former associate based on the Lanham Act and Anti-Cyber Squatting Consumer Protection Act. The suit apparently faced a difficult challenge. To win, the firm would have to show that Mr. Heyburn was profiting somehow from his blog. But, Mr. Harrington denied any profits. So, the parties reached a settlement in which the young blogger agreed to take down his blog. See report.