The Texas jobless rate fell again for the seventh month in a row. The rate now stands at 7%. The San Antonio jobless rate also fell to 6.7%. See San Antonio Express News report. Of course, the rate fell due to increased hiring in the hotel and restaurant sectors, a low wage sector. And
unemployment rate
Unemployment Dips Below 9%
The national unemployment rate has dipped below 9%. It now stands at 8.8%. See Workplace Prof report. This decrease represents a trend of continued, slight improvement over several months. There still remains many long-term unemployed workers. Unemployment benefit claims have dropped. So, we are experiencing slight improvement for a few months, now.
Unemployment Decreases in San Antonio
The national unemployment rate has increased from 9.5% to 9.6%. See report. 54,000 government jobs were lost during the month of August. That loss is probably due to the loss of census jobs. But, there was an increase of 67,000 private sector jobs. In Texas, the unemployment rate rose slightly from 8.2% to 8.3%.
Persons with Disabilities Have Higher Rates of Unemployment
People with disabilities have a much higher rate of unemployment. See Wall Street Journal report. The unemployment rate last year was 14% for persons with disabilities. As of July, 2010, the rate has risen to 16.4%.
National and Area Unemployment Down
The national unemployment rate has reduced from 9.9% to 9.7% for May. See report. But, it appears that many of these new jobs are temporary jobs. The San Antonio rate has improved slightly from 7.3% in April to 7.1% in May. See TWC report. Overall, Texas added 43,600 jobs in May.
Corrected: San Antonio Unemployment Improves
Not sure how this happened, but I erred when I reported that San Antonio unemployment was 6.4% for March. It was actually 7.3% which is still a drop from the previous 7.7% in February.
San Antonio Unemployment Improves
The national economy added 162,000 jobs in March, but the unemployment rate stayed the same at 9.7%. That is the largest job gain in three years. No small achievement for this battered financial picture. See report. Meanwhile Texas unemployment for February stayed the same at 8.2%. San Antonio unemployment improved to 6.4% from the…
San Antonio Unemployment Increases
The national unemployment rate remains steady at 9.7% this month. The state unemployment rate remains steady at 8.2%, still lower than the national rate. The San Antonio area unemployment rate did increase from 6.9% to 7.7%. A year ago this month, the San Antonio rate was 6.4%.
Unemployment Drops in San Antonio
The good news is San Antonio is doing better than the rest of the country. Unfortunately, much of Texas is still hurting from the recession. See Texas Workforce Commission’s recent report. Unemployment in San Antonio decreased in December from 7.0% to 6.8. But, unemployment in Texas went up from 8% to 8.3. Nationally, the…
Unemployment Down to 10%
For the first time in months, the national unemployment rate has dropped. Down to a "mere" 10%……..
But, as the Workplace Prof mentions, that does not mean it will continue to decrease. In fact, it might well increase before it decreases. Since, once things start looking better, folks who had given up will re-enter…