In many ways, the deck is stacked against the discrimination victims. Most folks who believe they have been subjected to discrimination put off seeing a lawyer. Many, a great many folks go directly to the EEOC, trusting in the federal government. The EEOC means well, but it is over-worked and under-staffed. Many EEOC workers are
disability insurance
Lawsuits Can Bring Vindication For Both Parties
By Thomas J. Crane on
Posted in Discrimination
Rick knew the internet world very well. He had worked on the East Coast as a systems engineer before a disease caused the loss of his eyesight. With the aid of larger typeface and other tools, he could function pretty well despite his diminished eye sight. Rick used a walking cane and relied on public transportation.
Rick was…
Risky Behavior Can Include Posting Pictures on Facebook
By Thomas J. Crane on
Posted in General
So, you’re diagnosed with depression. It will not get better. You are unemployed for a year and a half. Your problems mount. You live in Canada, so you see see gray skies everyday. Then, your doctor tells you to get away to some sunny climate for a brief time. You take a trip, take some…