For no apparent reason, other than naked politics, Pres. Trump has fired two of the three Democrat appointed members of the EEOC Commission. The Commission decides EEOC policies and guidance. It is fairly normal for the EEOC to lack enough members for a quorum when a new administration first starts. But, in removing two pf the three Democrat appointed members, Trump creates the opportunity to create a Republican majority. That ensures he can enact employer oriented policies. For decades, the five member board has operated with Republican appointed and Democrat appointed members. Based on timing, at any given time, the Republicans could be in a majority, or the Democrats. The result was a relatively bipartisan board.

Pres. Trump did the same with the National Labor Relations Board. The NLRB oversees labor unions. In firing the Democrat appointed members, the President also created the opportunity to stack the NLRB with Republicans. He then makes both labor agencies much more friendly to employers and not so friendly to workers. See The Hill news report here for more information. He clearly seeks to inject politics into bodies that have been relatively bipartisan for decades.

One theory advanced in the New York Times on Jan. 30, 2025 is that the Trump administration is seeking litigation over Executive power to fire these employees. The theory known as the “unitary executive theory” holds that even when Congress establishes these semi-independent agencies, the President retains power to override Congressional intent and fire who he pleases. Republicans in the Reagan administration first advanced the unitary executive theory. But, the Trump acolytes seem to have taken it to heart.

Pres. Trump’s approach clearly injects an increased level of politics for two bodies that were designed to be relatively bipartisan. In so doing, both bodies will lose considerable credibility.