Lawyer Jerome Marcus has asked to be allowed to withdraw from his lawsuit against the state of Pennsylvania. In that suit, he represents Pres. Trump. The suit alleges voting irregularities. Lawyer Marcus is known for his statement in court several weeks ago that he is alleging “a non-zero” number of Republicans observing the vote tallies. In other words, he told the judge there were one or more Republicans observing the vote counting. He made the “non-zero” remark after initially claiming Republicans were excluded from the room. His claim directly contradicted Pres. Trump, who at the time was saying Republicans were totally excluded from the vote counting process.

Mr. Marcus submitted a motion to withdraw after the mob rioted in the nation’s capitol last week. His motion to withdraw was remarkable because it explicitly said he his client was asking him to commit a “repugnant” act. He said he and his client, Pres. Trump, had a fundamental disagreement regarding how to proceed with the lawsuit. That is lawyer-speak for “my client wants me to do something I believe violates the code of ethics.” He later told Politico that he believed the lawsuit was used to help incite the Washington, D.C. riot. He said the President had asked him to come to Washington to be part of a “wild” protest. He said he wanted no part of that. See ABA Bar Journal report. See his very brief motion to withdraw above.