You have to love free enterprise. Only a true entrepreneur would come with a system of turning legal advice into a drive through window. Avvo, the legal referral website, now offers 15 minutes of legal advice for a mere $39. The service applies to a variety of areas of law: immigration, criminal, divorce, family, employment, landlord-tenenat, real estate and small business. Avvo seems to have selected every area a consumer might need. I have to say, after 15 minutes, I am still waiting to hear the essentials of an employment case. The service is available in 15 states, including Texas. See ABA Bar Journal report.
I am sure 15 minutes would work for some occasions, but if someone really has a case, 15 minutes is the beginning of the discussion, not the end. Maybe, we should just set up shop with a drive-in window and offer a free apple pie with that order….