Richard Sherman, the cornerback for the Seattle Seahawks, stopped the potential winning touchdown pass in the closing seconds of a playoff game with the Forty-Niners. He was interviewed immediately after and exclaimed that is what happens when you try the "best cornerback in the game!" When you try me with a "sorry receiver like Crabtree." See report. Within days, Richard Sherman became the most hated cornerback in the game.
But, to his credit he has apologized. In fact, he was quoted in the Feb. 3, 2014 edition of Sports Illustrated as saying to kids in particular, "You don’t have to put anybody else down to make yourself bigger." Je urged kids not to follow his example. Richard Sherman embarrassed himself on a national stage. He has since made efforts to apologize on a national stage. That shows character.
How many lawsuits could be avoided if folks in the workplace would own up to their mistakes and apologize on a much smaller stage. In the workplace, a worker’s actions are viewed by so many, so close. The office, the warehouse, the job site can be such "small towns." But, being a virtual small town, examples of character also go very far indeed. You do not have to be a Richard Sherman to make a mistake. And, you do not have to be one of the best, if not the best cornerback in the league to show character.