Emails can reveal so much.  In an ongoing dispute between the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association and the Brownsville Independent School District, the plaintiff obtained thousands of emails between various quasi-state officials.  The emails concerned Brownsville ISD’s requests for insurance coverage for damage caused by Hurricane Dolly in 2008.  The emails reveal frequent racist comments that surely affected the denlal of claims submitted by the predominantly Hispanic school district.  The TWIA is a quasi-govermental agency.  The comments were directed at Hispanics, Arab Americans and African-Americans.  The TWIA provides insurance to coastal areas. 

Several of the email contain the "most offensive" terms for African-Americans, Hispanics and other minorities.  Many emails included a supposed joke petition opposing immigration.  The plaintiff’s lawyer, Steve Mostyn, has filed a complaint with the Texas Insurance Agency regarding the race based comments at TWIA.  See Austin American Statesman report (account required). 

Yes, emails can say so much……