The not so-Evil HR lady pens another helpful post. This time she talks about when can an employee give immediate notice of resignation. A day care director is asking the HR expert about her situation. The day care director is being asked by member of the board who oversee the facility to violate laws regarding day care facilities. The director asks if she must submit two weeks notice. She wants to leave before her good reputation is damaged by an unsympathetic board. The HR expert responds in general that it is kosher to quit immediately when:
- an employee’s health, mental or physical, is threatened
- a worker is being asked to break criminal laws
- a worker is in danger from a coworker
- the employee is asked to violate ethical or religious principles
- the boss will fire the worker immediately if she offers to resign
She then advises the director to tell the board she is concerned about A, B and C. An inspection is imminent. if A, B and C are not fixed, then she will submit her resignation. The director is very concerned that the daycare is violating clear state regulations. She does not wish to be connected with a daycare that comes under a cloud. The Evil HR Lady reminds the director that if she quits without notice, most HR experts will code her as "ineligible for rehire." Even if the director never wishes to work for this corporation again, the employer may be bought out in the future by another corporation. And, the simple "not eligible for rehire" can make finding a new job very difficult.
The HR expert suggests that even if the director leaves and they suffer a poor inspection, the director may well receive the blame. As the HR expert mentions, people who are unethical in one area are usually unethical in all areas.
if the director gives the board clear, specific reasons for leaving, then it will be clear she left because they would not conform to state standards. The not so Evil HR lady mentions one of my favorite suggestions: the director should express her concerns in writing/ She needs to build a paper record regarding her reasons for departure. As the HR expert mentions, the board will likely toss her out when she expresses her concern. So, the director will get to where she probably needs to be – while still protecting herself. See the not so Evil HR Lady’s blog here.
I believe that when we find ourselves in the director’s situation, most of us get very emotional. Our jobs are at stake. Too many of us resign rather than endure the strain of dealing with unethical or overly demanding people. But, we need to take a step back and consider alternatives. Who knows? The employer might just do the right thing. Putting concerns in writing might just elevate the discussion just enough……