A San Antonio whistle blower has settled her claim against JP Morgan Chase Bank. Linda Almonte, who had been a Team Leader in the local office reported wrongdoing to higher-ups and was subsequently fired. See San Antonio Express News report. She was fired Nov. 30, 2009 after she made her report. A year later, she filed a whistle blower complaint with the Securities Exchange Commission. She had accused Chase of fraud and gross neglect in the packaging and selling of delinquent credit card accounts. She found that the information used to process the claims and start collection efforts was not accurate. Affidavits are required to be based on personal knowledge and these affidavits were not. She found that she could not verify the amounts owed or verify some of the judgments.
The Express News report says whistle blowers can gain up to 30% of any government recovery.
As with many whistle blowers and others who file suit against an employer, she lost her home here in San Antonio. She and her family had to move to Florida to stay with friends. She still has not found employment and is performing volunteer work. She has been interviewed by 60 Minutes – that segment has not yet appeared on the television. She has been interviewed by other news outlets.
The Express News report says her lawsuit was settled. The suit was based on Ms. Almonte being asked to commit an illegal act – that suit sounds like a Sabine Pilot lawsuit. But, recovering 30% if the government recovers some money suggests a qui tam lawsuit. So, Ms. Almonte may have more than one claim on file.