The Supreme Court says it is permissible to protest at funerals for dead service members with very provocative signs, such as "You are Going to hell," "Thank God for dead soldiers" and worse.  See Yahoo news report.  As an Iraq veteran, I would like to "free speech" that pastor in the face.  He is deliberately trying to incite a reaction from those attending the funeral for those killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.  But, I also know from several published reports that in this case, the father did not see the signs at the funeral.  It was only weeks later that he saw the signs in various news reports.

It was still extremely upsetting for him to see hateful signs directed toward his son’s death.  There is a rule of law that 1st Amendment would not trump "fighting words" – words that have no value other than inciting riot or violence.  I had hoped these signs would rise to that level.  I have not read the decision but am sure the fact that the father did not see the signs until weeks after the funeral were an important factor.  

Whatever.    I would still like to "free speech" that pastor in the kisser……