Once again, Mike Maslanka writes a nice post, summarizing a complicated area of law. See his post summarizing the law on non-competes. Look at his summary near the end. You can successfully attack a non-compete agreement on various theories: 1) the information provided to the employee was not truly confidential, 2) the confidential information was
non-compete agreements
Physician Non-Competes Now Limited in Regard to Patients
By Thomas J. Crane on
Posted in Contracts
Russell Cawyer reports that the recent state legislative session amended the statute regarding non-compete agreements. The new law allows physicians access to patients seen within a year. The current law restricts the ability of employers to draft non-competes regarding geographic distance, time and activity. This new provision adds this one category in…
Stock Options not Enough for Non-Compete
By Thomas J. Crane on
Posted in Contracts
You work for an employer. The employer has trade secrets and leads it wants to protect. It asks you to sign a non-compete agreement when you hire on. Most non-compete agreements provide that after you leave your job, you will not compete with your employer for a specified amount of time. Is that non-compete agreement…