Many folks will ask me when they are experiencing serious trouble at work, can they simply quit? Things have become so bad at work that just have to leave. Some victims of job harassment will experience headaches, nausea while driving to work, and worse symptoms. I sympathize, but have to tell them that quitting may

In the NFL, the older players haze the rookies.  It has been that way at least as long as there has been an NFL.  Like most rookies on the Miami Dolphin football team, Jonathan Martin, an African-American player was hazed.  Unlike most rookies (and now a second year player), he walked away from his NFL

A federal court here in San Antonio has found in favor of employees who sued AA Foundries.  i first wrote about the lawsuit here.  A manager was accused of using the n- word frequently.  A hangman’s noose was found in the breakroom.  The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed suit on behalf of four former