Many discrimination cases are focused on whether the employer’s supposed reasons for termination are sincere. Few employers explain that they have fired so-and-so because of the employee’s race, color or whatever. So, very often, cases are all about whether the employer’s articulated reasons for a firing or demotion are sincere. And, caselaw or precedent holds
Independent Contractors Must not be Economically Dependent
By Thomas J. Crane on
Posted in Wage and Hour Issues
Many employers seek to reduce cost by hiring independent contractors to perform some work. The employer does not have to pay benefits to an independent contractor. But, what is an independent contractor? The IRS uses one test to determine whether an employee is a true independent contractor and not just an employee under a…
Lawyer Gets Caught “Coaching” a Witness
By Thomas J. Crane on
Posted in Litigation and trial practice
When President Clinton was still President and he was getting into some trouble about having lied in a deposition regarding alleged sex harassment, a former client called me. He was upset. He said Pres. Clinton is getting into so much trouble for lying in his deposition, but so-and-so manager lied in his deposition and did…