In a small town police force, one officer is going through some serious emotional issues. His former girlfriend and mother of their child is seeing a senior officer on the same small police force. In March, 2018, the chief of the police force referred Office Michael Grelle to a clinical psychologist for an evaluation. The
Flexible Work Schedule Can be a Reasonable Accommodation
By Thomas J. Crane on
Posted in Discrimination
I have written before about flexible work schedules. See my prior posts here and here. Sometimes, a worker with a disability will need a flexible work schedule as an accommodation. Recently, the District of Columbia Court of Appeals has affirmed that yes, flexible work schedules can be a reasonable accommodation. In Solomon v. Vilsack…
Even the Best Employees Can Suffer Discrimination
By Thomas J. Crane on
Posted in Discrimination
The perception among some folks is that discrimination lawsuits are almost always frivolous. Some people believe discrimination could never happen to a good worker. One of my clients illustrates the fallacy of that belief.
Sue worked hard for her employer, a major employer in San Antonio. She thrived despite disabilities such as spina bifida…