In a recent decision, the US Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals found that an arbitration policy referenced in an employee handbook was not binding on the employee. In Hergenreder v. Bickford Senior Living Group, LLC, No. 10-1474 (6th Cir. 6/8/2011), the employee was a nurse who suffered from cancer shortly after starting to work for Bickford. She attempted to sue after she was terminated. The employer claimed the arbitration policy applied and the federal district court agreed. But, now the appellate court has reversed and has allowed Ms. Hergenreder’s case to proceed. See decision.
The purported arbitration clause was contained in a dispute resolution clause. In one brief sentence, the employee handbook said there was a dispute resolution clause and the employee should look at it sometime. The employee handbook itself never mentioned arbitration. The dispute resolution policy did indeed include an arbitration agreement. The policy stated that agreement to the dispute resolution clause was a condition of employment. But, found the Sixth Circuit, the employee nowhere acknowledged that she had been notified of the contents of the dispute resolution clause. The employer could not show that the employee was aware of the policy or that she had agreed to it in any way.
And, of course, like many employee handbooks, it contained language stating that the handbook was not contractual. As Workplace Prof points out, many employers want the contractual benefits of a binding arbitration agreement. The handbook appeals to employees because it provides a predictable, understandable framework for their employment relationship. But, a binding employee handbook would present many problems for an employer. So, they seek to avoid any contractual aspects. See Workplace Prof blog. It is hard to have your cake and eat it too….