When a person is appearing in court on a charge of driving with a suspended license, there are some things he should not do. One of them is do not login to a Zoom hearing while driving. Yet, that is what Corey Harris did. He was due in court in Ann Arbor, Michigan, accused of driving while his driver’s license was suspended. Judge Cedric Simpson saw him apparently in his car. The Judge asked him if he was driving. Mr. Harris replied, “I’’m pulling into my doctor’s office, actually, so just give me one second. I’m parking right now.”

Judge Simpson then asked the Assistant District Attorney if he understood the charge correctly, that this was about driving while license was suspended. The D.A. answered in the affirmative. Judge Simpson then ordered Mr. Harris to turn himself into jail by 6 p.m. that day. That means the Judge revoked his bail or his ability to remain outside of jail on his own recognizance. See ABA Bar Journal report here for more information.